Saturday, 1 October 2011

The basic function of textile related technology

As its name implies, geotextile, is the earth or soil on the fabric. Permeable material, rocks, soil, or in conjunction with the area, but it is geotextile. The main features of this technology to improve the heavy concrete structure, is to prevent soil erosion. This technology is still in India did not attract enough attention, but is widely used to improve bridges, roads, strength; railway track construction is used in many countries. Many researchers, however, the technology is newly developed in the past years.Geotextiles synthetic fibers, natural fibers, or both can not be combined can be seen as a form of thousands of Use. Decomposition of the flow of time is usually made together today, such as polyester, polypropylene, polyamide, and in the past for the synthesis of polymers, such as geotextiles and geotextile formation, polyamide is a natural plant fiber, is not durable natural fiber.

The choice of form, it is used depends on the required property and life. Durability is not an important factor, for example, erosion control database for natural fiber mat geotextiles. Jute and coir and other natural fibers, with a specific application. Each fiber slows down and so on. 1-2 years of jute geotextile coir .degradation degradation. As the coconut takes longer to build this property, if the plant is used to absorb more water three jute is used in low rainfall areas. Unpaved rural roads may be used. Is an environmentally friendly natural fiber-based geotextiles. Biodegradable natural erosion control and re-plant is a cost-effective applications. retaining wall.

It is useful for quick installation of plants In addition; dust control, the formation of sand dunes, wind erosion control and stability will be helpful. As the destruction of biological and chemical processes from synthetic polymers. However, in addition this may cause, such as environmental pollution caused by the formation of non-renewable resources, health risks, and suffer from significant drawbacks, such as environmental terms. Polypropylene is the most common synthetic polymers. If you need a good high-strength polyester. When you need excellent chemical resistance, high density polyethylene. reinforced earth walls.

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